Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mama Lohan speaks on Lindsay's nudey Marilyn Monroe pics

You know those Marilyn Monroe rip-off photos Lindsay Lohan did that have been popping up all over the net? [see visual aid in Melinda's post directly below this one.] Well of coarse the world was going to stop rotating until we heard Dina Lohan's take on them, so continue spinning world for here's mom's take:

"It was very tastefully done, I respect the photographer as an artist, so I look at them artistically. For him to call Lindsay 46 years later and to say can you recreate these photos is an honor. I looked at it as art, and as Lindsay doing a character. So I don't look at them like it's Playboy; she was being a character. So if you look at it that way, you can look at it as a mother."


"She could buy a lot of cigarettes and whisky with the money she was paid to do those nudey wannabe pictures. I hope she shares with me. So if you look at it that way, it's awesome to be Lindsay's mother - because of the cigarettes and whisky. Now do you want me to do a naked photo spread because I will. I'm hungry for your attention."

It's a rough translation, but you get the gist.

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