Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Kurt Cobain's ashes stolen!

Nirvana fans are gonna be pissed.

Someone broke into Courtney Love's home a couple of days ago and stole the ashes of her late husband, former Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain. The ashes were in a teddy bear shaped bag and was swiped along with thousands of dollars worth of jewelry and clothes. Courtney is now reporting that she's suicidal because of the robbery.

She's just realizing she's suicidal now?! I wouldn't be surprised to find out she smoked the ashes thinking they were something else...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kat said, hummm Is Cortney sure she didn't sell the ashes huh , but thats too bad don't think she'll see them again , hope who ever has them respects his ashes and takes cares of them , he was a awesome artist ! good luck Courtney , chow Kat. take care