Tuesday, June 3, 2008

No. 1 Worst Band Feud

Spinner.com listed the Top 20 Worst Band Feuds in history. Some of the bigger names -- Britney Vs Christina, Mariah Vs J-Lo, and 50 Cent Vs The Game. But neither of them took the #1 spot. So who did?

Jerry Lee Lewis Vs Chuck Berry, two of the founders of Rock 'n Roll. If you're not sure who they are, Google them. They rule. Apparently the whole feud went down when both Chuck and Jerry wanted to headline a show back in the 50's. The promoter finally convinced Jerry to go on first, leaving Chuck to headline. So what did Jerry do?

After one of the most energetic and high-paced sets he ever performed, he covered his piano in gasoline and set it on fire. While everyone was going crazy, he hopped on the mic and simply said, "You're on, Chuck."


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