Tuesday, June 3, 2008

James Franco and Seth Rogen cause a commotion at the MTV Movie Awards

The MTV Movie Awards went off on Sunday, June 1, and as always supplied some fun times and great comedic moments. However, one skit is going under the microscope and getting some huge backlash for the content.

Early on in the show, Seth Rogen and James Franco, stars of the upcoming movie Pineapple Express (a movie about a couple of potheads), were presenting the award for Best Summer Movie So Far. One thing led to another, and long story short, the fellas ended up pulling out a bag of fake weed, a fake joint, and a lighter. Some people are saying it was insanely funny, and others think it was too over the top. Franco was asked about the skit after the show.

MTV wrote it! Then backstage there was this big commotion: 'You guys can't say that.' It says right in the script: 'Lights fake joint.' That was the joke, because the number one question we get about Pineapple Express is, 'What kind of research did you guys do?'

I watched the clip and didn't think it was bad at all. It was funny, which was the whole point. Check it out for yourself. What do you think?

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