Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Nick Hogan is an extremely huge douchebag

Forgive the title. I promised my mom I'd try to clean up my language, but after hearing about this I want to drive a crane through the Hogan Household.

As expected, the family of John Graziano, the man that is now a vegetable courtesy of Nick Hogan's crash last year, filed a lawsuit against the Hogan family for crippling their son. And also as expected, the Hogans counter-suited and denied everything they were being sued on. I'm not one to check out court documents, but you need to see the paperwork on this lawsuit. Scroll down to the section that says Affirmative Defenses and just read them all.

Some highlights: Nick Hogan says that everything that happened to John Graziano is not his fault because John didn't wear his seatbelt, he got in the car in the first place, and he never tried to exit the car.

I hope someone goes Osama bin Laden on the Hogan house. And I also hope I don't get arrested for saying that.


amy08 said...

wut the f**k how r they going to blame this kid he is the one in a nursing home.. so wut if nick hogan was a minor lets blame the adult well he was the one fu**in drivin srry if im swearin but this pisses me off to no end if I waas the family of daniel I would serious hurt nick hogan especially after wut I read hope I dont get in trouble for thiss lol or arrested

Anonymous said...

Kat said, holy sh-it was that his car ! your one lucky kid and your in one piece omg yup god was with you ! becareful kid we don't want to loose ya ! take care thank god your ok ! chow Kat !

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend's best friend lost his little brother in an accident like this. He was the sober one, trying to get the keys from the two kids who were drunk so he could drive them home. As sad as this is to hear, in the end, Kevin still got into that car, knowing they were drunk, and did not wear his seatbelt. He would have survived with it on, as the two intoxicated kids in the front seat did. It sucks to hear, and shame on Nick for saying it in such a hurtful way, but it is not his fault that his friend got into the car and did not wear his seatbelt, especially knowing the circumstances he was under. Nick made a horrible decision to drive, but so did his friend. And that is the (sad, yes I know) reality of it.

I still think he is an idiot and a total ass. Just wanted to put things into perspective.