Thursday, June 5, 2008

Lisa Marie Presley without makeup

I usually like when girls go "au natural" and ditch the makeup sometimes.

Not anymore.


Miss Manda said...

hahahahahaha you're horrible

Jadd said...

I'm horrible?

I'm not the one walking around looking like that in public :)

Anonymous said...

what are you talking about jadd?
thats what you always look like!

amy08 said...

lmao emily ur funni lol jadd doesnt look like that he actually wears makeup like lisa marie should lmao

Vajeena Velvet said...

identical twin? is that you?

Jadd said...

Just eyeliner. Like Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean.

Miss Manda said...

hahahaha nice, doesnt get much better

Jadd said...

I thought you'd like that hahaha