Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hardcore preggo Jessica Alba in a bikini. Ew.

Tell me that doesn't look like what you cut into on Thanksgiving Day.


Vajeena Velvet said...

i don't know what kind of turkey you're used to...sounds like something Falkor would eat to boost his magical powers.

Jadd said...

Who the hell is Falkor?

Vajeena Velvet said...

um, the dragon/dog from Neverending Story. der.

Jadd said...

I'd rather wear cherry red stilettos than watch that movie.

amy08 said...

when the hell is she due!!!! looks like the baby is going to come out of her stomach lol

Vajeena Velvet said...

you'd wear cherry red stilettos whether you had to watch the movie or not. which is CLASSIC by the way.