Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Freak Accident on Hannah Montana Set

The new Hannah Montana movie suddenly became an action flick when a freak ferris wheel accident on the set left several extras in bad shape.

According to witnesses on the set, high winds blew a giant piece of lighting equipment into a ferris wheel full of people on the Tennessee movie set.Miley wasn't present, she actually had just finished a scene near the ferris wheel.

The collision of lighting equipment caused a few cables on the ferris wheel to go haywire, striking several of the people on the ride. Medics on the scene quickly took the injured people to a local hospital, but all just received minor injuries.

Ferris wheels whig me out anyways, nevermind if there were flying wires and gusting winds.. haha


Vajeena Velvet said...

sounds like a modern day Wizard of Oz...

amy08 said...

lol I was just gonna say that leave it to the hannah montana movie to have a accident miley is always in the news for sumthing lol

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