Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Stephen Colbert shaves his head

Stephen Colbert brought his Comedy Central show The Colbert Report to Camp Victory and did some tapings in front of a bunch of U.S. troops recently. He had some fun with the troops, talking about how they must've liked Iraq so much that they kept coming back (talking about the re-calls, obviously), and even talked about how they had earned enough frequent flyer miles to get a free ticket to Afghanistan (where some of them will go to serve after their Iraq tour is finished.) In case anyone finds this offensive, all of the troops laughed and erupted with huge applause, so shut it. But the loudest applause came when Stephen's first guest, Gen. Ray Odierno, accepted a videotaped order from President Obama to shave Stephen's head, which we got a pic of above.

Awesome to see everyone over there in high spirits, and of course, a huge thank you goes out to all the troops that are serving and defending our country. The episodes from Camp Victory will air Monday through Thursday next week.

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