Reese Witherspoon is all ready to go for her wedding day with boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal. Apparently she thinks the fact that she's not even officially engaged yet is just a minor detail, considering she's already gone out and bought a wedding dress in preparation for it. But let's be real, she's not just prepping for it, she's also trying to put the pressure on Jake to pop the question and set the date. She's even adding more pressure on by buying her 9-year-old daughter Ava a matching dress so they can look alike on the big day.
It's put up or shut up time, Jakey.
A wedding dress is for young women whose get married in a catholic church. The catholic church don't accept divorce.
Them they must find a circus to give a show for another mental retarded.
A wedding dress isn't for divorce §co$w& whose have 2 /ca&lfs§!
This men will never have authority at home nor with Reese Witherspoon's children or future §bas%thards§ with this &pros%tiutte$ because he must divide the authority with children with another men!
I'm not completely sure what you just said since that was sort of in English but mostly not...but did you just call Reese a prostitute and say Jake will never have authority over her?
I'd put money on you being very, very single. Or very, very Middle Eastern.
I said that a women whose have failure marriage with 2 children of another men isn't a marriage. It a problem because you haven't authority at home as men. The women had sexual relatioship with several mem to build her carrier. Other men has responsability about his children and give them another kind of education. They will never respect him and the future children too because children follow the example of older children. It will be a hell...
We have only one life to live and when we are rich and we have money as men you can chose the better way to live. It is bad taste that this men has. It his problem!
Jake Gyllenhaal will be only the other dog of Reese Witherspoon house!
Again, I struggled to read what you just said, but I think I got the jist of it. And no offense or disrespect -- but you're out of your mind.
Reese didn't spread her legs to all of Hollywood. She got divorced because her husband cheated on her. She hasn't been with any other guy since except Jake Gyllenhaal. Get your facts straight before you start insulting someone's integrity.
It isn't only Reese Witherspoon whose used prostitution to build her carrier. It is lot of another actresses of Hollywood too! It is normal in Hollywood. In the past the people whose worked in this industry would be selected. Reese Witherspoon isn't a Doris Day or Lisa Minelli. She is mediocre actress and Jake Gyllenhaal like lot of Copollas or Barrymores etc is in this industry because the parents helped. Jake Gyllenhaal is total corrupt. The Hollywood PR insist put these dirty people and their dirty privat life in our house through television and magazines. It is very difficult to teach my young relatives that this way of life isn't correct!
Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal don't have shame and self respect and they hate the people! The people whose work in Hollywood hate the people! Nobady has blame because their marriage fail, their friends are false. They find that the money will give all solution for their lives and their lives are continuous destroyed! The films, actors and the themes that Hollywood industry find to sell their film are an Horror!
Jake Gyllenhaal was lover of Reese Witherspoon lot of years.She was marriade when Jake Gyllenhaal became lover of her. She used a dress of Kirsten Dunst in a Golden Globe besides her husband . I don't know what they had made. Perhaps "mémage à trois". I can't imagine better attitude of this women or Angelina Jolie etc.
The worse thing are the themes whose reflect the life of all these dirty people of Hollywood , their own life and the negative mentality that they through away in our home!
Dude...whatever you're smoking, I want some.
I don't smoke!
The Children of actors and actresses of Hollywood are very dangerous because they are the future criminal of our society! All these children grow up in bad houses and they live in a society with shantytown culture and way of life!
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