Former Mouseketeer Annette Funicello is really close to death, according to reports from the Globe. Her friends are saying that she's losing her battle multiple sclerosis and is now confined to a wheelchair and can no longer speak.
Poor Annette...our thoughts are with her and her family and friends.
I remember watching THE MICKEY MOUSE SHOW ALL THE TIME AND ANNETTE Was so sweet on the show. She really had such talent and now this disease has taken over. I have a good friend who has the disease and it is taking her strength from her. We all pray for you Annette and will always keep you in our hearts. God bless you each day.
I am so saddened by this. She is an amazing individual. I remember once my parents took me to Disneyland and she was there with her teddy bear collection. A perfect role model and a true inspiration. If this gets back to you Annette, we love you.
I was named after Annette by
my oldest sister.
I wanted to be you so much when I was a little girl, that I wrote your name in crayon in the bottom of all my dresser drawers. I still have the dresser and smile everytime I see my writing? You are a wonderful role model for us all, and I will always cherish your presence in my life.
So very sad!!!....She is still so young and was so very talented!!!..You are loved and I pray for you!!!!!
I have always loved Annettes music and all the beach movies, I could watch them everyday. As a radio dj I work a oldies station a real station not one run my a d**m dell or a dj on the sat. we do real radio and I get to play her songs everyday. The one I love best is train of love.You can find some of her songs at and many other songs there too. Scotty Morgan
Oh yes cant leave out the mickie mouse club house, saw her there for the frist time, I hope she gets to read our post and can see how we love her and her music and movies has touched us There is no one like her, she is America,s swetheart.
I remember watching Annette on TV when I was a little girl. I always love watching her.. Today I am watching her movie "Beach Party". I will be praying for you Annette.
What a wonderful person Annette always seemed to be. I am very familiar with MS and I pray for a peaceful end to her terrible suffering. As a young boy I fell in love with her from the first time I saw her on the MMC. She seemed to be a truly wonderful person. I pray she will receive her rewards in heaven for an eternity. God Bless you Annette.
I wish more people were aware of your struggles. Many would be expressing their appreciation for you and sending you warm wishes.
I, too, loved you as a boy growing up in the fifties. You were so beautiful, sweet and kind. You made a real impact on me. I have no doubt that I speak for many, many others when I say, "Please feel better, soon. Thinking of you." Jesus loves you, too.
A grown man, who has a ten year old boy inside, with a freckled-face, red-hair, and a tender-heart and to this day still has a crush on you.
I remember so clearly the Mickey Mouse Club show and how much I wanted to be like Annette. I even had my hair styled like hers when I was younger. I wish with all my heart there was a cure for MS. Now that I'm 63 years old, I realize just how fortunate I am that I have good health but I wish Annette was also that fortunate. God Bless her and her family.
I was very young when I watched The Mickey Mouse Show. I was attached to her being my idol when I first saw her. I followed her through the years whenever her name came up in anything. She is beautiful. Just recently I purchased an Annette Funicello Collectible Bear. My prayers are with you every day and with your family. I have a few friends with the same disease. Let's all pray that a cure is found for this deadly disease. God Bless you Annette. Mary
God be with you babieeee, i have ms myself. When i was told in 1999 first person i thought of was you. In 84 i was dating a girl who's parent's were good friends with one of your musketeer's that you were still staying in touch with. Like everyone else, boy did i have a crush on you. Wish i could of got to know you. People ask me what ms is like, it's like waking up every morning with a hangover, depending where the desease is at.Being seeing you one day. I deal with all the symptoms, but not in a wheel chair yet, my trips to disneyland are cut short can walk about 10-15 minutes before i have to rest.
God Bless You Annette - Luv U
God bless you Annette..not fair such a beautiful talented person has to suffer like this..Youre in my prayers !!!
a long time fan
Our Prayers are with you! Thank You for Americas BEST Beach Movies!
Love Always, Chuck e Starr
I hope Annette knows how much she is still remembered and loved.
My Wife passed away on 12/03/10 due to complications from Multiple Sclerosis. She likewise was a was a beautiful woman. My heart and prayers go out to you Annette. May the Lord be with you and guide you to His glory.
As i read the messages, tears are running down my face for i have the same love for Annette as everyone else.I feel so helpless too and would give anything to make her well. Of course,I've been in love with her since she was 12 and I was 13. She has always been the epitomy of grace and sweetness. The perfect role model. I have prayed for years for her and will continue to pray for her. May God please bless her and may we find a cure for MS before it's too late! It would seem with all the money that obama gives away to foriegn countries, he could somehow give enough of our money to find a cure for MS and save Annette and others!
Multiple Sclerosis is a very ugly disease. I know as my husband has been suffering from it the past 13 years. I am his 24/7 caregiver as he only has limted use of his left hand. He needs help with everything. My husband is one of many of the hidden victims of this disease. The multiple sclerosis organizations and personalities in the media show only the face of happy people with m.s. Take your drugs, have a good outlook and m.s. won't win. It is extremely hard dealing with the horrible affects of this disease but harder yet is the misunderstanding of the disease. There are different type of m.s. just as there are differences in cancer and such. You can help make a difference by calling attention to this horrible disease. Let the world know that m.s. is a debilitating disease and research needs to help the victims that suffer from primary progression m.s.
I love you,Annette! i´m of the brazil.
I love you,Annette!!!Forever!!!
Marcelo rosa dos Santos-
City- Porto Alegre
Country- Brazil
You'll probably never see this, but like a lot of other pubescent teen boys I had a crush on you. I had many dreams of you while a teen and you always represented purity of heart to me. I'm not a big believer of an afterlife, but if there is, I believe you will light up heaven as you have illuminated this life with your essence. You are in my thoughts and I wish the best for you. Thank you for your talent and the hours of entertainment you have provided to countless of folks like me.
These guys said she has already passed:
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I grew up watching the MMC, you have remained in my heart. Prayers go out to you and your family.
I am 34 years old and like Annette I suffer from MS (relasping remitting),I was diagnosed in 1991 and am lucky enough not to be confined to a wheelchair. I consider myself very lucky to still have my indenpence. A couple of years ago i watched the movie "A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes" staring Annette, it was about her life in theMMC and when she was diagnosed with MS. I just lost my recent care giver (my Dad) so there are a lot of things I have to do without him like going to the MS Clinic in London,ON, Canada. Annette you have been a wounderful influence on so many people especially those who suffer with this horrible disease...May God bless you and watch over you, keep the fight going never let this get you Annette.
i thank i can say for all the boys who are men now we where in love with her thos as i look at her life she has given me somthing some people could not-- thats how to be strong in time of need - i rember her as i was growing up in 1957 - 58 now being 58 yrs old i look back on it all and i must say it was a good time with the mickey mouse club - god bless you annette, ill be seeing you in heaven soon your long time frend u never knew- god bless you
Annette is and will always be "Americas Sweetheart" .
My wife and I saw Frankie and Annette
on her only tour back in 1989, when she was first diagnosed with MS. She put on the best performance. We will remember that always, she is so wonderful. Our Thoughts and prayers are with her and her family.
I grew up idolizing ANNETTE on the Mickey Mouse show and other shows to follow. I still have a scrapbook with all her reviews, from magazines and the then popular, TV Guide. I still remember reading of her growing up years, loving ballet and perfumes. I took a chance and sent her a bottle of perfume on her birthday when I was young and to my surprise, she took the time and sent me a hand written thank you letter! How grateful I was! It was engraved "Annette's Gazette". To this day I have treasured that letter and my prayers go out to her at this time. May the good Lord look upon her with a smile for all the happiness she has shown and given to the world. God bless you Annette, Your lifelong admirer, Annette (too.)
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