The only way to describe Katie Holmes love for Tom Cruise is a boatload of patience. Really. You have to be uber patient to deal with someone as bat sh*t crazy as Tom, let alone be married to him, but Katie is running out of patience. Sources say she's getting pretty annoyed with Tom's schedule and always having to fly coast-to-coast to see him.
You know that person who eventually shoots a bunch of people because they hate their life or something with it goes wrong? That's Tom Cruise if Katie ever leaves him.
ok, aside from everything else about Tom, i know he´s not exactly the tallest guy in town. But in this particular pic, he seems to have shrunken... quite a bitat least compared to Katie!
Or is it just me...? (who thinks that, not shrunk ;p)
That's why I posted this pic...I died laughing when I saw it. She looks like an Amazon and he looks like WeeMan from Jackass
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