Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tim McGraw writes a book

Tim McGraw has a pretty thick resume -- heartthrob, country star, and now he can add children's author. Tim's first children's book, My Little Girl, hit bookstores on Tuesday and is about a little girl just spending the day with her father. They swing on a tire swing, look up at the clouds, go to the store -- simple things he says that his own three daughters love doing with him. And since we get ALL the Dirt here at Celebrity Dirt, we even have an excerpt from the book.

A "better than chocolate ice cream with sprinkles" kind of day! Daddy said tomorrow they would have a spectacular day -- just the two of them. He must be planning something remarkable. Something unbelievable! Katie couldn't wait.

I can only imagine how many mothers are flying over to bookstores now to tear this book off the shelf.

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