Monday, October 20, 2008

Jenny McCarthy takes on Denis Leary

Jenny McCarthy, who is obviously a huge advocate for autism since her son has the disease, sounded off about Denis Leary in a recent interview with Access Hollywood for his recent comments about autism in his book Why We Suck: A Feel-Good Guide to Staying Fat, Loud, Lazy and Stupid.

Whoo! First of all, let me tell you, the autism community has received probably 10,000 emails [saying] 'Go kill him!' 'Go yell at him!' [but] it's so hard to even get up enough juice in me or energy in me to even try to fight someone that is obviously stupid.

Jenny said that she doesn't even really have to go after Denis at all, because any mother that's dealt with a child with autism will rip him to shreds when they pass him on the street. I gotta say, I love Denis Leary (especially since he's a hometown boy from around Boston), but saying people with autism are just "dumbass lazy" probably wasn't the best idea.

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