Sunday, April 13, 2008


I did NOT have any internet all weekend so I was MIA. Please forgive.

What I miss?!?! Any huge stories that i need to be updated on?? :)


louisebotting945 said...

hummm, nothing big... oh wait did u c jackson on tv?...and u missed a story about my aweosme driving, hmm anything else? nothing else thats important i think?

tashalicious193 said...

well there was the whole jess thing but that didnt really matter... and then u said u werent gonna talk 2 me anymore but then u did

Miss Manda said...
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Miss Manda said...

haha awesome driving?? did u hit something?? ;)

louisebotting945 said...

i hit a snowbank, and almost a tree.. but my mom grabbed thw wheele so it was all good =)

Miss Manda said...

omg! im glad youre ok!!

tashalicious193 said...

if u think thats bad u should have seen me when i ws 6... i tried 2 steal my moms car and run away but i forgot to put it in reverse or something so i crashed through the garage

louisebotting945 said...

emily crashed the garage yesterday trying to park