Friday, April 11, 2008

Naked woman reflected in vice president Dick Cheney's sunglasses!!! (and more)

HEADLINE OF THE DAY: "Mickey (Mouse) Goes Nude In Austria!" (circus)

Kate Hudson's wardrobe malfunction. (ayyyy)

Pete Wentz: shirtless and wearing the UGLIEST pair of shorts I've ever seen in my ever! (fatback)

Jamie Lynn Spears: the bump is groooowwwing! (POTP)

Hahaha! Naked Woman reflected in vice president Dick Cheney's sunglasses!!! (gabby)

Eminem to sing at Nelson Mandella's birthday party! (bitten)

Neil Patrick Harris wants no more Britney Spears! (smack)

Pictures of Ryan Seacrest and Simon Cowell out at the clubs together. You KNOW they made out at the end of the night! (dlist)

Kurt Angle says he's proud of John Cena. (wrestling)


louisebotting945 said...

as soon as i saw that picture with the eyes talking, i knew it was a post from jackson haha

tashalicious193 said...

i think jackson always does the posts with a lot of links...

Unknown said...

Correctamungo! :)

tashalicious193 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

haha and i never click on them lol

Anonymous said...

Kat said, My group comments: Ice Ice dude better keep his hands to him self for now on , I don't take that shit , myself a former victum of domestic violence, bad boy hope you liked your jail visit ! bad boy! Jamie Lynn and her cute bump growing how cute ! good luck ! gettin moms boobs too ! Pete with the cool tats! so happy for the 2 of you congrats! Ashlee & Pete ! all the best to you both! funny swim-suit! Austria is weird whats with the nude Mickey's ? Kate is tiny her dress is falling off her pretty dress she looks so nice! Look at Eminem"s Tats cool ! Simon is that all you have to wear all your $ & smokein yuck! Ryan looks wasted ! dame red eyes & has his barf bowl in front of him too! party party boys ! can you say hang-over ouch. Love Leona Lewis ! she's HOT ! she'll be around for a while ! good luck the pride of UK ! huge fan ! can't wait to see her on Idol Apr. 23rd.! thats a wrap! chow Kat !