Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ozzy Osbourne worried about his son

Ozzy Osbourne is starting to get worried about his son Jack, who's starting to replace one addiction with another. It's no secret that Jack used to have a serious addiction to drugs, but he kicked the habit after rehab. But now, Jack is getting a serious addiction to guns, which is scaring the crap outta The Ozz-man.

Jack is gun crazy. Over here in the U.S. you can buy real guns. I have this horrible thing - I can see this movie in my head where he's messing around and shoots himself in the foot. I said to Jack, 'If someone got into your house would you be willing to use your gun?' He said, 'Sure.' I said to him, 'You know what, Jack, when that burglar came into our house in England I had him in a headlock and the thought went through my head that OK, I could kill this guy but could I live with the fact I took his life? No. What if I maimed the guy or pushed him out the window and broke his leg? All these scenarios went through my head.'

I gotta say, as messed up as Ozzy can appear sometimes (or at least as drugged up and out of it as he looked on The Osbournes back in the day), he really is a kick ass father and it's obvious he cares a ton about his kids. Let's just hope Jack is super safe with his guns and doesn't hurt himself or anyone else by accident.

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