Friday, May 29, 2009

David Hyde Pierce secretly married!

While speaking out about the bullsh*ttiness that is Proposition 8 to the ladies of The View, former Frasier star David Hyde Pierce came out and said that he quietly married his longtime boyfriend of 25 years Brian Hargrove back on October 24th of last year. David is super pissed at the California Supreme Court and their decision to uphold the ban on gay marriages, actually saying that "it's none of your business."

Can't say I blame David for being upset at all. The gay community is pretty much being toyed with in California, being told gay marriage is illegal, then being told the ban is lifted and they're free to marry, only to be told it's banned again 5 months later. Not to mention, I think it speaks volumes when both gay and straight people from around the world, celebrities included, and putting Prop 8 on blast. The Court really botched this one.

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