Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jon and Kate Plus 8 season premiere

So the Season 5 premiere for Jon and Kate Plus 8 aired last night, and it was pretty easy to pick up on some stuff based on their body language. First, whenever he was interviewed either by himself or with Kate, Jon just looked like a hurtin' pup. He looked like he really didn't want to be there, and if you watched the Season 4 finale right before it, he even hinted that he didn't want to do the show anymore, meanwhile Kate was gung-ho for it. So especially with all of the rumors about them, he just really looked like he was over the show. What I did like is that within the first 5 minutes, Jon came right out and bluntly said he didn't cheat on Kate and he didn't really care what anyone else thought because he knew the truth, and while 98% of people probably think he's lying, I actually believe the guy.

The birthday party (which Kate planned by herself and made sure everyone at home kenw about it) was just awkward, or at least it seemed it between the two. They hardly even talked to each other, and when they did, it was usually Kate telling Jon what to do and ordering him around. She treats him like one of the kids and kinda belittles him, and I know that people have talked about that throughout the seasons of the show but, it was just so evident last night. She just talked down to him so much. The last 10 minutes or so of the show were basically just the 2 of them talking about the future, and they both were talking like they know a divorce is coming. Kate said Jon has changed a lot from the guy she met and married and said that when "she's here for her family because when she starts something, she doesn't just quit on it" -- right after she finished talking, Jon bluntly said "I'm here for my kids."

So here's what I think. I know I called it all a sham for ratings beforehand, but I'm not really thinking that anymore. I feel like Jon wanted to end the show after the 4th season because you could tell he had had enough. I think he thought this show was basically going to be a good way to document his children growing up and had no idea he wouldn't be able to go to the store for a bag of chips without having 15 people snapping pics of him. Kate, on the other hand, LOVES the attention and you can tell. She always points out the paparazzi instead of just ignoring them and even looked around for them during the kids' party. There's been rumors that Jon and Kate are in counseling sessions and we'll see some of those on this season of the show, so we'll find out how everything goes. But like I said, the way they were talking toward the end of the show, it really sounded like they're already pretty much either figuring or in the process of a divorce.

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