Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Shannen Doherty had affair with co-star's husband

Shannen Doherty was only 11 years old when she signed on to play Melissa Gilbert's niece on Little House on the Prairie, but she was old enough to realize that she wanted to be exactly like Melissa. During their time on the show, Melissa ended up having a whirlwind romance with Bo Brinkman, which led to them getting married once the show was over in 1988. The marriage quickly started going sour though, and during a counseling session, Bo admitted that he slept with Shannen shortly after the marriage started. He also said that Shannen seeked him out, but here's the kicker. She was only 17 when it happened, which means Bo banged jailbait! I guess Melissa and Shannen ran into each other at an awards show a couple months after Bo admitted to the affair, and Melissa said she knew what happened. Shannen just looked here in the eye with a smirk and said a snide remark, at least according to Melissa.

You really gotta love Shannen. She's a bitch and she knows it and she makes it entertaining. Of course, being a homewrecker isn't exactly a cool thing, but I guess props go out to her for not lying when Melissa confronted her with knowing Shannen slept with Bo? Although, I'm surprised Melissa didn't belt her for acting as disrespectful as she did.

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