Friday, April 10, 2009

Woody Harrelson hates TMZ

While Woody Harrelson was walking through La Guardia Airport yesterday, a TMZ paparazzi was videotaping him and asking him questions (like you see on the TMZ TV show). Apparently, Woody wasn't a huge fan of it, because he ended up punching the cameraman right in the face, then broke the camera. He walked away right after that, but the cameraman followed him and demanded that he give the camera back. Woody punched him again and grabbed him by the neck. It's the second time Woody has thrown down with a TMZ worker, the first time being in 2006.

I guess Woody believes that any kind of press is good press. Hell, he should feel grateful that someone even still gives a sh*t enough about him to follow him with a camera -- what's he done in the last few years aside from Kingpin?

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