Friday, April 10, 2009

Halle Berry speaks on her sex drive, babies, and marriage

Halle Berry's fine looking 42-year-old self is on the cover of the new Harper's BAZAAR and talks about her sex life, whether she's having more babies, and whether she's going to marry her current boyfriend and baby-daddy, Gabriel Aubry.

On sex: "I have a 33-year-old man. That'll keep you mojo mojo-in'."

On having more babies: "Yes [I'll have more]. My pregnancy was amazing. I was happy that whole time, I felt good, I had energy, I was like Superwoman. I wish I could feel like that for the rest of my life, that's how fantastic it was."

On marriage: "I'm done. Also, I happened to find a person who feels done, too, and he's never even been married before. So it works."

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