Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Biggest Loser recap -- 4/28/09 episode

Big night last night on The Biggest Loser, as the Fab 5 was set to be narrowed down to the Final 4. The contestants were brought into the gym to watch videos of themselves from their very first workout to show how far they've come, then they did workouts that mimicked those first workouts. Then, they took part in a reward challenge that was pretty much a flashback to their very first challenge, which was climbing back and forth over a huge pile of dirt. This time around, though, there were 16 piles they had to climb, each hill representing a week that the contestants were on The Biggest Loser campus. On top of that, they'd have to carry with them all the weight they had lost, then they'd drop weight on each hill that coincided with the weight they dropped for that week until they were left with nothing but a bag to throw off a cliff. Up for grabs was a choice between a one-pound advantage and $10,000 for the first person to finish, with the second place person getting the leftovers.

Tara ended up winning the competition for like the 489th time (she annoys the crap outta me for some reason, and I really have a feeling that she's gonna be one of those snobby bitches when she's fully skinny again), and chose the one-pound advantage at the weigh-in. Mike was given the $10K for finishing in second place. At the weigh-in, Filipe and Ron both fell below the yellow line, which pretty much left the choice of who was going to the Final Four up to Helen and Tara, since Mike wasn't going to vote for his own father. Helen and Tara went with strategy and voted Filipe off since he was the bigger threat. So the Final Four are set as Mike, his father Ron, Helen, and Tara. Next week they trim it down to 3, then the Finale is the following week.

I'm really rooting for Mike, because he seems like a stand-up kid and a good guy, plus he's a young kid with his life ahead of him and the money would totally help out with college. Actually, I really just want anyone but Tara to win.


runnerinsight said...

First comment: The man on the picture indeed did a very great job! but look at the legs They seem to look like the same from before and after. This left me to wonder . ;)

And "The Biggest Loser" never fails to surprise us. On this note, I believe that every reality based TV show always gives surprises. We might not want a particular participant but in the end, we are also lifted to a hurray when that participant wins! True right? . . thanks for this post!

Jadd said...

Hey don't get me wrong, I'm all for people changing their lives and losing weight. It's an inspiration to us all.

That being said, when someone acts so fake as to be "so surprised" that they win a challenge, meanwhile they've been dominating from week-to-week and have NEVER dropped below the yellow line, it's a little annoying. Stuff like that is the reason why I feel like she's gonna be a snobby bitch when it's all said and done.