Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A clarification on why I'm furious about Perez Hilton vs Miss California

While I was posting links, I hit up AmyGrindhouse to grab a link from her and decided to read her take on the whole Perez/Miss Cali situation. I think in my last post about this situation, I wasn't really clear as to why I'm pissed. I think Perez is a douchebag by proxy (meaning I'll always think he's a douche), and it has nothing to do with his sexual orientation. If you remember, I posted that everyone should shoot down Prop 8 and allow gay marriage to be legal not only in California, but all over. The following is the post that I threw up on Amy's page.

Here is where you may stop loving me (assuming you actually do hahaha).

Let me preface by saying, I’m all for equal rights and gay marriage and was pissed when Prop 8 was passed. That being said, Carrie answered the question honestly. That, I respect. Granted, she could’ve answered it a little more…less bluntly?

Here’s what pisses me off. Not that she can’t articulate well (opposite marriage? Isn’t that divorce?) or make sense (clearly there’s NO choice to have same sex or heterosexual marriages since only 4 states allow it), but that Perez offered alternate answers that DIDN’T answer the question. He pretty much said an acceptable answer would’ve been one that beat around the bush and avoided the question. THAT’S what sets me off.

So I'll actually AGREE with Perez that she could've answered the question differently, but by different I mean less harsh, not totally beating around the bush. Smell what I'm cookin' my peeps?

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