Monday, April 27, 2009

Celebrity Apprentice recap

Promos for Celebrity Apprentice all week have said it promised to be an explosive show, and the ending definitely was! This week, the 2 teams were given a project to promote Right Guard's newest deodorant -- Fast Break (isn't that a Reese's candy bar, too?) But not before The Donald sent Jesse James over to the KOTU team from Athena, to even things out at 3-on-3. Jesse, Joan Rivers and Clint Black rocked the KOTU colors while Melissa Rivers, Brandi Roderick, and Annie Duke were on Team Athena. The teams objective was to make a 4-page ad insert and present it to the Right Guard reps.

Jesse, who runs his own magazine already, came up with a real good idea pretty quickly using more visuals and less wordage, but working in some of the key promotional points, too. Clint, who was the Project Manager, wasn't feeling it and went with his own idea, which Jesse thought sucked from beginning to end. Meanwhile, Brandi was the Project Manager for Athena and laid a ton of the work on Annie, who wouldn't shut up about knowing NBA star David Lee, who was going to be used in the ad campaign. Melissa felt like an outcast in the group (and was treated like one, too, if you ask me). After all was said and done, Right Guard liked KOTU's ad insert, which meant someone from Athena was going to be fired.

After a ton of drama and bickering, Donald fired Melissa, which made Joan flip a bitch and actually leave with Melissa. Now, I didn't catch the promo for next week, but I'm not sure whether we're already down to the Final Four, or if Joan actually plans on returning next week. We'll find out!

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