Everyone thinks that Grey's Anatomy is the greatest show on TV and they have original ideas that don't mirror the stuff you can find on ER or any other doctor show -- well guess what? THEY'RE RIPPING OFF BOY MEETS WORLD!! Back in the day when Boy Meets World was on T.G.I.F. on ABC, Cory Matthews and Topanga Lawrence were getting married. When they finally got to the arc in the storyline where the wedding was going to happen, ABC set up a webpage that fans could RSVP to and leave messages for them. Turns out, Grey's Anatomy is doing the same thing!!
Grey's creator Shonda Rhimes has created a webpage on some wedding website for Meredith and McDreamy's wedding, which is set up as a blog by Izzie Stevens. It's a neat idea, but a total ripoff of Boy Meets World, which just goes to show that BMW was the best effing show ever. You can visit Meredith and Derek's wedding page here. The wedding will air on May 14.
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