Monday, April 13, 2009

Kate Hudson dumps Owen Wilson

Oh boy...get ready for Owen Wilson suicide attempt v2.0. Kate Hudson dumped him over the weekend because she's not ready to commit, meanwhile Owen was talking to her about marriage. He proposed soon after they got back together, but Kate's just not feeling marriage anymore, and she even said in an inteview earlier this year that it's not important to her anymore.

Is it me, or does Owen just seem totally emotionally unstable? He OD'ed and almost died after their first break-up, then he gets back together with her and pops the question right away? I dunno..I'd put him on suicide watch. And I'm not even joking this time.


Anonymous said...

well i agree but the poor guy obviously loves her and she should not get married to him but at least stay together with him

Jadd said...

what's the point? if she doesn't want to marry him, what's the purpose of staying together? so you can say "hey look, i have a boyfriend/girlfriend!" -- no way.