Monday, April 13, 2009

Liza Minelli talks about Judy Garland biopic

Liza Minelli is speaking out about the biopic that's planned for her late-mother Judy Garland. She's happy with Anne Hathaway starring as Judy (which she should be, since she approved the casting), but she's worried that producers will focus less on her mother's superstar talent and more on the drug habits she fell into.

Well, I love Anne Hathaway and I hope that it's a good movie and I hope that it's true. You know, that they don't just concentrate on the crap like they usually do.(I hope) that they talk about her the way she should be talked about which was she was a fabulous entertainer, a great mother and just a wonderful human being.

I can see her point, in not wanting her mom to just look like a total drug addict, but if it's a biopic, that stuff has to be included, ya know? If she'd like, I'm sure they'll have no problem filling in info about Liza's deformed face instead of talking about Judy's drug problem.

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