Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Jamie Foxx slams Miley, then apologizes

Jamie Foxx opened up a huge can of verbal whoop ass on Miley Cyrus yesterday on his satellite radio show The Foxxhole, really laying into her about being "the chick with all the gums," then went on to tell her to make a sex tape, and act like Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan. Check out the audio below, and fair warning, it gets pretty vulgar.

Jamie was on The Tonight Show last night and apologized to Miley for saying all of that stuff when Jay Leno brought it up to him.

I so apologize to [Miley], and this is sincere. I am a comedian, and you guys know that whatever I say, I don't mean any of it. And sometimes, as comedians, as we do, we go a little bit too far. I have a radio show. We're really the black Howard Stern. We go at everybody. There was a situation with Miley Cyrus, and I just want to say, I apologize for what I said. I didn't mean it maliciously. You know I'm a comedian. You know my heart.

It'd be one thing if the girl was in her 20's, but she's 16. While he may have been hilarious, I think going after a 16-year-old to that extent was a little much. But hey, any press is good press!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think that it is all true though