Friday, April 3, 2009

Shanna Moakler blogs about her breakup with Travis Barker

Travis Barker posted on Twitter yesterday about he and on-and-off girlfriend/wife Shanna Moakler breaking up for the 4,983rd time. Usually, when she's asked about a breakup, Shanna keeps her mouth shut. But after being accused of having a fling with Gerard Butler, she decided to take to her blog and tell her side of the story.

Just so there is no confusion or 'source' to attack my character, I am saying my side. Travis and I were very much together in September when the horrific [jet crash] happened. Not only did I fly to Georgia, I stayed by his side the entire stay and also for the bus ride home to L.A. I think any human being with a heart ... would do the same. (After L.A.) I came across numerous romantic emails with MANY other woman -- some famous, some I personally knew -- all heart breaking.

It's tough to figure out who to side with/believe. On the one hand, it sounds like Shanna has solid proof that Travis was messing around on her, but at the same time, you can't think anything bad of Travis after his plane crash last summer, ya know? You always wanna side with him. We'll see what happens from here.

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