Friday, April 10, 2009

More details on Nick Adenhart's death

More details surrounding the death of Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim pitcher Nick Adenhart have surfaced. Just a recap -- hours after pitching the best game of his young career (6 shuout innings, 5 strikeouts), 22-year-old Nick was killed in a hit-and-run accident. 22-year-old Andrew Gallo was sh*tfaced and driving a minivan. He blew through a red light and hit 2 cars, one of which was the silver Mitsubishi Nick was in. After the hit, Andrew sped off in his minivan and was arrested 30 minutes later. Because of the hit, the Mitsubishi smashed into a light pole. Nick's 20-year-old girlfriend Courtney Stewart (who was driving) and 25-year-old Henry Pearson both died on impact. Nick was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery, but died on the operating table. The only survivor of the crash is Henry's friend Jon Wilhite.

This is seriously a tragedy, and as a 25-year-old myself, it kinda just hits home that stuff like that can happen to anyone, no matter their age and no matter their celebrity/non-celebrity status. Not to get all parental on you, but think about this story the next time you have a few drinks with your friends and decide to get behind a wheel. Andrew Gallo has to live with this for the rest of his life -- do you really want to have to go through that same thing? R.I.P. Nick, Courtney, and Henry.

Andrew Gallo

The car that Nick, Courtney, Henry, and Jon were in

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