Friday, April 10, 2009

Hugh Jackman is a fake tweeter!!

Hugh Jackman was outted as not being an authentic tweeter on Twitter when earlier this week "he" updated his page and referred to Sydney's popular Opera House as the Opera Centre. After getting some sh*t about it, Hugh came right out and apologized, saying that he relies on a staff member in America to blog for him.

I communicated it over the phone and when that got translated by someone American in my office it came out all wrong. I do know the Opera House is called the Opera House - I think I had my high school leaving assembly at the Opera House when I was 18 so I should know that one.

To his credit, there are other celebrities that have their marketing teams do their blogging for them, like 50 Cent and Britney Spears. It sucks when it's not authentic, but at least he's honest about it. Wouldn't it be easier to just log in and post it yourself though, instead of calling someone to do it?

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