Monday, April 13, 2009

Canada hates Billy Bob Thornton

Billy Bob Thornton managed to piss off an entire country, and that takes a lot of talent. Canada's new hatred for Billy Bob caused he and his band, The Boxmasters, to cancel the rest of their Canadian tour after his rude and bizarre appearance on Canadian radio's "Q" last week. He refused to answer the jock's questions, just saying, "I don't know what you're talking about" to the simplest questions, then tweaked on him for mentioning that he's known to the public as an actor/screenwriter. During the interview, he called Canada "mashed potatoes with no gravy," which caused fans to boo him later that night when his band hit the stage. They were also met with cheers of, "Here comes the gravy!"

I've never had anything against Billy Bob, and ever since I saw him in the re-make of Bad News Bears, I thought he was pretty chill. But now I just think he's a huge prick.

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