Saturday, March 8, 2008

Paris Hilton Wearing Diamond Benji Madden Ring!

Paris Hilton was at the Mirage in Las Vegas last night showing off a ring on her engagement finger with the initials "BM" spelled out with diamonds like her name is "Lil' Jon" or something.

Cute? Or lame?

I'm going with lame on this one. Why don't you and your ring get a room, Paris. This public display of affection nauseates me a little.

Plus since it's Paris, wouldn't "BJ" have been better initials?
I'm a dirty swine.


Jaryd Rex said...

bahah i agree with the BJ initials
i think she might have planned it out becuase 2 best friends marry brothers, god if u think about it, it's like insest without the sex

paris is marrying her brother - in - law

idk tahts what i think, she just married him caz her best friend married the brother or whatever


louisebotting945 said...


Anonymous said...

I agree with you I think its lame too. I can't stand Paris Hilton.

Anonymous said...

that is really really lame. they have been going out for like a week. what the hell is happening to this world.

and my sn is xothatshotxo hahahahaha. i got it a while ago and it just stuck! but over the past couple of years i dont like her so much. i liked the fat nicole richie on simple life too.

louisebotting945 said...

dude ya i remember when u were obsessed with the simple life.

Anonymous said...

Kat said, tooooo funny! who would be seen with a poo poo ring ha ha!! karky ring, More her style BJ thats right !! good luck to her I'm glad she's happy and wants a baby like Nicole maybe shes prego too ?? chow Kat !!