Monday, March 31, 2008

J-Lo: 5 Weeks After Giving Birth to Twins!!!

We knew she'd do it!!! Just FIVE WEEKS after giving birth to twins, Jennifer Lopez was out last night looking (dare I use the most overused blogging word of the moment) FIERCE!

In case you were wondering Mark Anthony was there too and still looked like a zombie.


tashalicious193 said...

wow you'd never be able to tell she just had twins. good for her

louisebotting945 said...

thats awesome!

Anonymous said...

of course mark looks like a zombie still. no surprise there.

Anonymous said...

and if that was me i would still be using it as an excuse for eat extra cupcakes

Anonymous said...

Kat said, Ja-Lo ! HOT MAMA !! Congrats !! chow Kat! good luck !!