Monday, March 10, 2008

Amy Winehouse stiffs cabby!

Amy Winehouse has won a bunch of awards for her singing. She's sold CDs in the millions. But she doesn't have enough money to pay the cab driver.

Amy went out shopping yesterday and took a cab home. When she got home, she realized she didn't have enough change to pay the driver. So she excused herself and went inside to get the rest of the money. She came out a few minutes later red-faced and empty-handed saying she couldn't find any change in her place.

Gee --- I wonder where she's spending the big bucks?!? Her body looks malnourished but her nose sure looks well fed!

By the way, the good old paparazzi were there to cover Amy by paying her fare for her.
So I guess they're like cockroaches.... with wallets.


louisebotting945 said...

hahah wtf. all her money just goes to drugs and shit....i wouldnt have covered the fare.

Anonymous said...

now thats embarassing

Unknown said...

How was breakfast with Blake???

louisebotting945 said...

IT WAS AWESOME!! to bad you wernt there...that would have been sick.
..we thought my mom was going to wait outside...but she asked if she could come in and they said yes....

can u say...embarassing....
shes like 56 and telling him hes wicked cute...ew

Anonymous said...

it was pretty cool. but the people told us to eat breakfast before he got there. so we did and then he came in with a huge plate of food and was like... what the hell u guys ate without me!?! so then i told him he could sit next to me.

Pics up on matty's page and my myspace.

he is a wicked nice guy. we asked him a lot of questions. for some reason the people at the other table didnt say anything to him... but what ever more for us!