Wednesday, March 19, 2008

*sob sob* Nobody Wants to be Paris Hilton's Friend. (and more)

HA HA! 93% of people said they wouldn't want to be Paris Hilton's friend!!! (circus)

Ew! And the award for "Sexiest Jelly Arms" Goes To... (smack)

Pete Wentz attempted suicide? (gabby)

Drew Lachey and his "Dancing With the Stars" dance partner were having an affair. Oh yeah... Drew Lachey is married. (bitten)

HAHA! Super funny picture of "Barack O'Clinton!!!" Wouldn't the Democratic Party be excited if he/she/it actually existed!!! (POTP)

Jennifer Aniston, Owen Wilson, & Kate Hudson LOVE TRIANGLE?!?!? (popbytes)

The latest on Jeff Hardy's suspension from the WWE. (wrestling)


Anonymous said...

pete wentz's suicide attempt was 4 years ago.

thats way old news

Anonymous said...

and i wouldnt want to be her friend either

louisebotting945 said...

everyone says they wouldnt be her friend.....but i bet if she asked them if they wanted to be freinds with her they would say yes

Kristen said...

Okay, Im so glad you just brought up the paris hilton bff thing because I was just coming on here to talk about it. I was curious and went on the site where people vote for you to be on the show at Anyway, not to be mean but its going to be like another version of her movie The Hottie and the Nottie. 2 of the top girls that people have voted for have like down syndrome or something and God do I feel sorry for them, obviously everyone is making it a joke....i really feel bad for them. Please make a post about this! lol

Anonymous said...

Kat said, with my group comment, Fergie looks hot with or without make up ! good luck with the babe! poor Paris I still like ya ! Audrina nice bod ugly heels! oh my god Donatella is she a he? looks like it ! man she needs a whole body do over face arms , hair too , yuck ! oh sad to hear about Pete? I thought he was in love ! has Ashlee S. on him ! Ashlee take care of your babe! good luck ! Drew & his hot dance teacher ,not surprised his wife was prego he has needs ! oh tooo funny with the comp. trick work of Barack O' Clinton funny ! I'm glad Owen has some girls now in his life ! lucky guy ! good luck Owen big fan , funny actor !! that all folks! chow Kat !