Monday, March 10, 2008

Survivor: Quick Thoughts

Things have been craaaazy busy, but I finally had enough time to watch Thursday's Survivor last night. A little better, but still a dull season.

The highlight of the night:

"You need to quit bitchin' and start throwin'!"
-Jeff Probst to the survivors during the immunity challenge.

When have you ever heard a game show host talk to contestants like that??? Bob Barker is rolling in his bed. Hats off, Probst. You egotistical bastard. :)

In the end, Chet stayed (even though he now resembles an ematiated raisin) and "Truck" Joel went home.

Guess who showed up at last night's TNA Wrestling Pay Per View?
Johnny Fairplay and "Truck" Joel! The two sat front row for the show and had a "confrontation" with some of the wrestlers. Word is that Joel's been training with some of the guys to become a wrestler for the company and Fairplay will serve as his manager.

That all sounds more interesting to me than an episode of this season's Survivor. Yawn!

Let's hope Jonathan can at least lose his leg next week to keep things from being an absolute snorefest.

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