Sunday, March 9, 2008

Robbie Williams sees UFOs

British pop star Robbie Williams says he's quitting singing to study UFOs fulltime.

That's because he swears that he's seen a UFO on three seperate occasions during his lifetime... and because it's highly possible that he's off his meds.

The first UFO he say was a kid in Britain. The second he saw was over his hotel in Beverly Hills. And he saw the third off his balcony after he just had finished writing a song about alien contact. How poignant.

“I’m stopping being a pop star. I’m going to be a full-time Ufologist.”

Robbie Williams has been known for hooking up with TONS of famous women. Now he's also famous for bringing the crazy.

Here's Robbie's awesome song from 1999, "Millenium." You think I'm being sarcastic with the whole "awesome" thing huh? Wish I was. Guilty pleasure.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kat said, ok who is he don't know him is he related to Robin Williams - Mork !! nano nano Robin's been to space and back lots of times ha ha !! ha ha !!love Robin Williams he's the funniest one of them all! then KAT Williams ! is a hotshit too ! , Dan Cook . Martin Lawance!! & Eddie Murphy, Johnathin (spelling)I can't spell sorry my bad. Winters Billy Crystal, Whoopie Goldburg & others ! !!? any way he's been staring up in the sky tooo long ha ha he's got some weird freakin eyes crazy !! guy ! good luck buddy you look like a UFO ! those UFO's will have a ball with you !! ha ha!! chow Kat !

kAEdo-k said...

Not Robbie's best work. Actually, that was "Rock DJ". That shit creeped me out for while.

I'm ok now.

louisebotting945 said...
