Thursday, March 20, 2008

Michelle Trachtenberg will be on Gossip Girl

Mischa Barton was rumored to have been offered a role on the WB's breakout hit "Gossip Girl" but turned it down in a "been there, done that" sort of moment.

Enter Michelle Trachtenberg.

Even though her name is a pain in the donkey punch to type, I'd still date her if things ever go sour with Sophia Bush.

'The Track' will star as Georgina Sparks, a character in the novels the show is based around... and she'll look smoking while doing it.

Look for her on "Gossip Girl" during the May sweeps. I will.

Meanwhile Mischa Barton keeps getting DUI's and will be going topless in an upcoming film to try to make the leap to "serious actress." Hello Tara Reid 2.0.

Good move, girlfriend dos.

I'd look sad too, even if I had boobs.


louisebotting945 said...

jackson, im sick of seeing girls with no shirts on....
i think its time for some guys?

tashalicious193 said...

omg i totally agree with louise

Anonymous said...

haha good one louise...

Anonymous said...

hmm we posted at the same time

tashalicious193 said...


Unknown said...

OK OK... shirtless man post coming ASAP.

Unknown said...

OK OK... shirtless man post coming ASAP.

tashalicious193 said...

glad to hear it... twice

louisebotting945 said...

but jackson
knowing u, u will put up some ugly dude...

pick someone good please...not some fat 60 year old man on the beach

Anonymous said...

right. no nasty old men please.

Anonymous said...

ya. No nasty people. porvabor..thats french i think

louisebotting945 said...

Por favor is spanish...
S’il vous french

im so cool that i can talk AND sing happy birthday in french...hell ya bitches

tashalicious193 said...

yeah well i can talk AND sing happy birthday in spanish

Unknown said...

Yeah well I have a hard time speaking English!

tashalicious193 said...

what r u talking about... u sound fine on the radio

Anonymous said...

your,.. silly i guess? 4 thinking that spanish was french. wow. what has become of this poor world.

louisebotting945 said...

u can speak english....i just cant spell write or read for shit!

louisebotting945 said...

that comment^ was supposed to say..
i can speak english...not u

i was just to lazy to delete that one and make a new one...even tho im wasting more time writeing this.

tashalicious193 said...


louisebotting945 said...

i wicked smart...i bet none of u know what a angle bisector is

tashalicious193 said...

i absolutely do... a segment or ray or line that bisects an angle... we're just learning that shit in math

louisebotting945 said...

oh dont you think your so special.
i bet u looked it up betch!

im jk...(just incase u cant tell)

tashalicious193 said...

hahah yeah i can...

tashalicious193 said...

omg im watching harry potter and its scaring the living shit out of me... im such a wimp

louisebotting945 said...

oh chamber of secrets

tashalicious193 said...

omg yeah... howd u know?

louisebotting945 said...

cuz it scared the shit out of me.

tashalicious193 said...

oh... i thought it was on tv or something which would b wierd bc im watching it on a dvd...
yeah its freaking me out and my sisters just cracking up at me.
she's ready every harry potter book six times and memorized like every line and scene of the movies. and all the chapter names of the books- its like really scary.
yeah i can't read them though... i get so scared

louisebotting945 said...

i just dont know how to read.

tashalicious193 said...

i would never read all those harry potters- she spends literally all of her free time reading