Monday, March 10, 2008

Robert Deniro... on the beach!

Deniro: "You talkin' to me?"
Me: "Yes I am, Mr. Deniro, and I'm asking you to please put on a t-shirt."
Deniro: "Wait. You talkin' to me???"
Me: "Manboobs, yes I am."
Deniro: "You talkin' to me??"
Me: "Goodbye sexy. The concession stand is right over there."


Anonymous said...


louisebotting945 said...

EWWW why would walk around like that...thats gross

oh ya and by the way

blake lewis was friggin AWESOME!! you all missed out,

but u can go look at the pics on mattys page....i look like shit but my sister looks good.

she hogged him the whole time and made him sit next to her....poor little kids were video taping him and all they got was the back of his sexy head.

Kristen said...

ew...well he is old after all.. lol. He has a lot of $$$ though!
i sound like a gold digger... ;)

Anonymous said...

Kat said, hey don't dis my man Robbie !! he's the Man ! awesome actor ! luv him ! big fan ! can't wait to see another funny movie with Billy Chystal !! or another Marfia- action one !! ok Robert? !! take care have fun at the beach ! chow Kat !