Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Will Smith Is CHEAP!

During the wrap up of Will Smith's new movie Hancock he passed out gift which is very common for the big stars to do. Lots of stars hand out things like Ipods, jewelry and whatnot.. but not Will. He wants to share his faith with his crew.. his faith of Scientology.
NY Daily News reports:
"His recent gift after wrapping next summer's comedy "Hancock" was a card good for a personality test at your local Scientology center. Never mind that such tests are given free by the church anyway. The quiz is designed to convert people to the religion by identifying personality flaws that - surprise! - Scientology can fix right up for you."

I personally think that is a bit rude.. but what do you think?

1 comment:

amyinbc said...

I think I would be pretty bloody MAD that this is the thanks I get from the multi-millionaire whose film I just worked on. Slap in the face!

Any token of their appreciation is nice but a free 'come to my church' package? Ugh.