Saturday, January 5, 2008

Carson Daly Sucks

If you wanted to see the effects of not having writers, watch Last Call With Carson Daly. I have a schedule where I get home a little after midnight every night from work and it takes me a couple hours to unwind and go to sleep. So I have been watching Carson to see how he does without writers. He's back... the writers are not.

Holy tish. This stuff is awful.

If you can't stay up due to work/school or whatever -- TIVO IT!!! It's so bad and uncomfortable, you can't stop watching.
In fact, Carson's show parallels Britney Spears' career in many ways.

Seriously. Tune in. It's worth it. If anything will make this show last 'til 2009 it's the lack of writers. Because with the writers, he sucks. Without the writers, he's so bad your eyes become paralyzed with suck and can't move away from the screen. Tragically and awfully awesome.

PS -- "unwind"="drink a lot" in this article

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow. carson daly looks like a cow