Thursday, January 24, 2008

"Cloverfield" is making people puke

Last weekend's #1 movie at the box office was Cloverfield about a group of twenty-somethings taping themselves on camera as a huge monster wrecks the city.

It set a weekend record for MLK weekend, making around $46 million.

BUT -- due to the spastic camera work (which is supposed to be from an amateur using a handheld home camera), audiences have been vomming like a seagull that just swallowed a cigarette.

From one movie-goer:

"I'm really nauseous right now -- just hold on for a second," she said, before walking down the hall and retching into a trash can.

"I wish I could get my money back."

I think this movie looks pretty badass. Anybody see it? Anybody feel ill?
And if you were wondering what the mysterious monster looks like -- I saw a sketch of it -- and that mention of a sperm whale yesterday??? I think I said it because the monster was top of mind. If you're interested in spoiling the monster let me know and I'll post a link.


louisebotting945 said...

my brother saw it and said it was one of the best movies he has ever seen.....but i havent seen it so idk.

Melinda01852 said...

Hmm, interesting.. sounds like something i'd really like to see... but the puking thing worries me a little bit!

Anonymous said...

I just heard today that it was some sea creature.

Anonymous said...

Kat said, Haven't seen it yet want to now! looks gooood I'm not a scary movie girl my hands will be over my eyes, big baby! ha ha. I like funny movies! chow Kat!

kAEdo-k said...

The movie was badass. Go see it. If wanted a weird/action/thriller of a film, and you saw "I am Legend" and were disappointed, (as I was) go see this movie, and it will be like getting your money back... Ten-fold.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen it yet, but my daughter has. During the movie she had to get up and leave the theater for a bit because she felt like she was gonna pass out. Ironically, she loved the movie, but she said the camera work just really messed wit her.

Anonymous said...

i heard that Drew goddard wrote this movie and based most of it on Fall Out Boy's Infinity On High album. mostly on the song the take over the break's over. i thought that was interesting.
sounds like a good movie though. i think i will go and see it some time.

Anonymous said...

i was also disapointed with i am legend like Kaedo-k said. i didnt like the ending at all. i felt like the movie was all over the place and didnt focus much on one thing.

Anonymous said...

SPOILERS RULE!! I would love to see this thing before I go see the movie.