Monday, January 14, 2008

Paula Abdul to SING at the Superbowl!!!

Oh boy.

She does a great job being the kind, odd, drunk and high mother figure on American Idol -- but now rumor is they're gonna dust off Paula Abdul and throw her on stage at the Superbowl.

The pre-game show will be hosted by (who else but) Ryan Seacrest so the Idol tie-in makes some sense. But it gets worse. Randy Jackson may be joining Paula on stage.


I think I'd rather watch a duck poop. (And at the same time I can't wait to watch the impending train wreck to follow).


louisebotting945 said...

ok what happend to her hair?
looks like a rat tried to make a nest in it...

Anonymous said...

You wouldn't want to watch a fuzzy pink duck poop, though. It'd probably end up exploding in your face.

louisebotting945 said...


more people should post would be more interesting.

Anonymous said...

jackson blue, obsessed with duck poop? maybe just a little. haha