OK. I've decided to become THE #1 expert on some TV show. I don't know which one. And that's why I write this. I think it would be fun/funny to get your opinion first. Which show (perhaps post-writer's-strike) should I become an expert on??? I'll become THE expert on whatever show you pick!
This means as badly as I might hate (or as much as I may love) the show you pick, I will set my DVR to record every episode. I will watch every episode, take notes, and type up a weekly (or perhaps daily -- "Peoples Court?") review of each episode. I will research any gossip surrounding said show and bring it to you in each report. I will fully engulf myself into this mission.
So no matter how retarded or serious your pick is... I'll become THE expert on the show that wins.
I'll take the top 3 picks and put them to a vote at my radio webpage for the final decision. If there's a big tie (one suggestion each or something), I'll pick three shows for the final vote.
I will pick the final 3 on Thursday January 31st and end voting on the final three on Thursday February 7th.
I will reveal which show I will become THE expert on on Friday February 8th. I will try to use any connections I can to interview stars, annoy the stars, crash on the stars floors (in a very creepy way), and more.
So leave your suggestion... and PLEASE get your friends/enemies/family/strangers to come here and vote.
I reeeeaaalllly don't want voting for shows to fall on it's face. So even if you don't really care, please vote!!!
It's like a reality show on the internet or something. Except it's real.
I pledge 100% loyalty to any show you choose.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
ME -- The expert on ________!!!
Posted by
1:37 AM
Labels: celebrity dirt
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haha jackson! you're so funny!
let me see, well, I think everyone will pick a show like One Tree Hill or Gossip Girl, even though I love both. But I definitely think you should be an expert on a soap opera. I love general hospital but I never get to watch it anymore cause I work till 6, and sadly I don't have a DVR....humph.
So hands down, my pick is General Hospital. Right amount of drama, a lot of stars to get dirt on, and just enough episodes to completely own your DVR. Yup, I think we have a match! Thanks Jackson!
Shiiiiiitttteeeeee. Just what I feared. OK. You're in the lead!!! hahaha
reading rainbow.
levar burton is the man.
Greeting form norway
(small crappy country)
So you can always have stuff to talk about I will vote LOST. Seriously... is there anyone that understands what's going on? I hope you do! =D
Greeting from Portugal (even smaller crappy country)
AAAAAA! I have a snoozer for you! Something, no anything on C-SPAN!!! MMMMWWWWAAAAAAHAHAHAH!!!
hmmm...well i hate the show avatar...i vote avatar=] you'll go crazy!
ok so i would have to pick general hospital as well. i watch that show every day! lol
I vote for LOST & General Hospital. :)
i vote for gossip girl! i wana see what you're going to do with that :P
Big Brother 9 on CBS starts in Feb.
Hands down, "American Gladiators" gets the nod from me.
-kAEdo, not logged in, from a blackberry.
city spotlight.. 4 on youtube, and more to come.. not many but whatever. it'd be funny.
my vote would be Viva Piniata
my 3 year old sister in law said that lol
cos its so freaking funny so you'd enjoy it and it would jsut be fun
Hannah Montanna!!!! LOL
definately gossip girl!! <3
I have to agree with caroline up there! My vote goes to Family Guy!
hannah montana
gossip girl
one tree hill
hope you are TORTURED by one of those :)
hannah montana's def a good one
try ncis,it roks!ha ha!let's see how this turns out!
i say lost.
i love that show
if not then gossip girl i guess because that would just be funny
i say not family guy because it would be kind of hard to go the their houses. you could go to the house of someone that plays their voices but i think it would be more funny to do a reality show
Hi this is your stalkerrrrrr.
I think you should do something like One Tree Hill, since it is my sisters favorite TV show or Supernatural since its mine. =]
Or lost or something like that..
Or house!
I dont know.
But I cant wait til you become THE expert!
You'd be so great.
Sorry that I haven't been able to call,
I have moved quite a lot recently and the last place where i was didnt have long distance..
But I should be able to call here!
Keep an ear out for me, cause I plan on callin soon. Whenever I get the chance. =D
idk maybe lost i gess
i would have to go with eaither family guy or lost
I deff vote for...
Hannah Montana
General Hospital
Gossip Girl
One Tree Hill! I don't get to watch it anymore, stupid work! lol. Have fun in whatever show you end up with :)
General Hospital, hands down
Hannah Montana...suffer Jackson!
I'll say something you're probably already an expert on..
Girls Next Door :)
Playmates for you bro!
One Tree Hill
UmMmM...PaSsIoNs, ThE sOaP OpeRa
I think you should do One Tree Hill because I remember you saying that you use to watch it when it first came out. Or maybe Supernatural.
American Gladiators.
By the way, you really don't have a life, Jackson. x.x
I say you do
Naruto! I love that show! Or Hannah Montana just so you can be tortured! Or Spongebob!
Maybe you should watch some stupid Nick Jr. Show. =o
I don't know the names of any of those, though.
Do they still play bob the builder?
Gossip Girl
Kyle XY
Hannah Montana
law and order
hannah montana!!!
i vote house.
who watches soaps!??!!!!!?
one tree hill is amazingg
or ugly bettyy is pretty snazzy.
it would be funny to hear you gossip about gossip girl though so that one too! (=
ps. your amazingg!
Who knows when this writer's strike will end, so it would be foolish to start being an expert on something that we'll have to prolong the wait for. With that in mind, there's only one plausible choice:
The O'Reilly Factor.
THATS a good one :]
I'd say LOST and dare you to go to Hawai to see if you could find yet another crewmember wasted on booze! How cool would that be?
this is so fun
i would have to go for sponegebob!
but yeah hannah montana is a good one too!
i agree!
hannah montana lol
hannah montana
law and order or lost
cops biggest loser or lost
law and order or hannah montana
gossip girl!
gossip girl. definitely.
so what show is winning so far?
Kat said, Man thats a lot of comments!!! I'll be 64th !! How come you don't have American Idol? on your list Jackson? cause thats what I'll be watching !!! ok I'll pick, see I forgot what they were all ready one min. have to go back and see what there were ok I'm back, Lost or Survivor (American Idol) American Gladiator! is HOT! (American Idol) please! Thanks chow Kat!
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