Alright. There were a TON of votes for what show I should make my new life passion and become the expert on. Thank you for not letting me fall directly on my face! People voted at the blog. People voted when they called me. Friends voted. And here's my next step. I will announce the final 6 shows. I will also give you an explanation as to why I would or would not like to become an expert on the show. Then you vote again from the final 6 and I'll square it down to 3 and put it up for a vote on my radio webpage (since it has better polling tools).
Unfortunately I've gotten rid of "Gossip Girl" (which was in second place) because there's only 1 (or none) episodes left. I tried to put shows in there that were coming back soon or at least had a bunch of new episodes left. I also ditched any shows that don't really have a running plot (Spongebob, Hannah Montana, etc.). So here's the final 6:
LOST -- I hope to high heavens that you don't pick this show. I haven't watched one episode ever and would be sooooo "lost" (cheesy!). But if you pick it, I'll try. This is the top vote getter so far. Ugh.
ONE TREE HILL -- I used to love this show. I have a huuuuuge crush on Sophia Bush. I think the show got stale and dumb so I stopped watching it, but I hear it's refreshed now that they took a jump into the future. I'd like this.
GENERAL HOSPITAL -- Woo hoo! 5 hours of crap acting a week!
Then I added these 3 because they're new shows that look interesting and we could get to know them from scratch together:
SURVIVOR -- New season. I haven't watched it for a while but this is favorite survivors from past shows versus biggest fans of the show. Could be OK.
LIPSTICK JUNGLE -- Starts February 7th on NBC. Looks pretty buzzy. Check out the show before judging:
THE BABY BORROWERS -- Starts Feb 18th on NBC. It's about teen couples competing to see who'll be better parents and strains that come with it. Here's the website for it:
(also I'll throw in TOP CHEF CHICAGO just for fun on Bravo. I love Top Chef. And the new season starts soon.)
So there they are. The final 7. Which one do you pick???
In addition to whichever show gets picked, I've decided I'll also become the expert on "Big Brother 9" - just because that show is my addiction!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Me -- The expert on ________!!! UPDATE!!!
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2:53 PM
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I def left the first soap opera comment, therefore General Hospital, which is my all-time fav, will def have my vote.
Good luck Jackson =)
survivor all the way!
This season is gunna b the best 1 yet!
I <3 celebrity dirt!
ONR TREE HILL!!!!!!!!!
I followed your lead and watched the trailer for Lipstick Jungle. I have to say I have never heard of it before but it's from the creator of Sex and the City so it's gotta be good =D. I even enjoyed the trailer so my vote goes to LIPSTICK JUNGLE!
But i'm still not giving up on LOST soooo... 2 votes here =P
Once again support from Portugal! Love the blog!
hannah montana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOST and i freakin love big brother too!
not survivor because that show got wicked boring. its the same every season and it just got old.
just please, please. not any of the last three. survivor lately has just gotten way over rated. as for the others i think Lost would be a good one, but then if you havn't watched any episodes you would basicly have to go out and buy the 3 seasons and watch every episode so you arn't "lost." But i think you can pull it off YOU'RE JACKSON BLUE!
so i am voting for lost.
and i also am addicted to big brother. the last one was the best.
Top Chef.
Reason being, I wouldn't want to read about any of the other shows.
Plus, if you start watching "Lipstick Jungle", our friendship will end.
lost all the way
Kat said , Sorry Jackson, I don't watch any of them, now do you want to pick one or 3 or you will pick 3? see what I told you I forget what I read, crazy. I need to get some focus factor pills ha ha ! I'm a nut! I guess I'll pick (Survivor) I did watch that at one time and did catch this last China final show! the girl won right? ok Thanks chow Kat!
lost i guess since thats the only good one there
"General Hospital".
My nanny used to watch that.
Top Chef
I vote One Tree Hill and Top Chef.
I'll vote for Survivor.
And The Baby Borrowers (because I feel bad for it)
(and since it looks like most people are voting for 2)
Top Chef
[I'm having pity on you Jackson by not picking Lost]
One tree hill!
TOP CHEF!!! Food is awesome!
GH GH GH!! I work right thru it so you could keep me updated!! LOL.. I havnt seen it in so long i'd love the latest on it!! I didnt kno u were A BB fan!!!!! I love it, but I hate having to wait for the summer for it =(
GH GH GH!! I work right thru it so you could keep me updated!! LOL.. I havnt seen it in so long i'd love the latest on it!! I didnt kno u were A BB fan!!!!! I love it, but I hate having to wait for the summer for it =(
I love Big Brother too! So glad they're doing a nonsummer edition too!
But my vote goes to TOP CHEF!!!
My two fav reality shows!
One Tree Hill or General Hospital
LOST i love that show with a passion
one tree hill!!! watch it jackson! it's amazingg this season! sophia is gorgeous as everrr. and her mom is in this season, well brookes mom that is. watchhh itttt!!! ohh and sign this petition for a season six...
and join this facebook group...
one tree hill, all the way!!!
Definitely watch One Tree Hill. This season is already off to a GREAT start! and Sophia's mom is in it. The characters have grown so much. and there is new drama in town. You ABSOLUTELY have to watch it!! <33
One Tree Hill and Top Chef Chicago
OTH or Top Chef!!!
Do Hannah Montana!!!
Kat said, ok Jackson, ONE TREE HILL for you JACKSON !!! so you can have your girl friend !! I vote for now on !!!!! chow Kat!! Thanks !!
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