Here she is.
Sophia Bush.
Walking around Manhattan earlier today.
Please pick One Tree Hill.
Thank you Sophia Bush.
Who is your "celebrity boyfriend/girlfriend?"
(and lay off sophia... she's spoken for!)
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Meet my celebrity girlfriend.
Posted by
9:44 PM
Labels: sophia bush
Super Bowl Ads! Part 1.
Wanna see what $2.4mil gets you these days, for a 60 second spot at halftime, at the Super Bowl? Check these out!
Ehh. Money well spent? You decide...
Posted by
11:29 AM
Montel gets the axe!
After 17 years of daytime TV mediocrity, The Montel Williams Show is getting cancelled.
His remaining fan will be devastated by this news.
Posted by
12:13 AM
Labels: montel williams
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Paris Hilton's new love interest... is a hot woman!
I guess Paris Hilton has run out of guys. It was bound to happen eventually.
Paris was seen Tuesday night at Tenjune club in NYC making out with Elisha Cuthbert!!!
The two met while filming the movie "House Of Wax" a few years ago.
A source says "the two were all over each other."
For once I wish I was Paris Hilton. Minus the laundry list of VDs and the wonky eye.
But I'd gladly keep the cash. And the whole Elisha Cuthbert making out thing.
Posted by
11:52 PM
Labels: elisha cuthbert, paris hilton
Dirty Links!!!
Have your sunglasses ready when you come look at these awesome Avril Lavigne bikini pool pictures!!! Seriously - is she an albino???
Here's a picture of Captain Lou Albano -- not to be confused with Avril's pale state.
Oprah - painted gold and shoved into a bikini would look like...
Yes! It's true!
(*Yawn*) Paris Hilton is topless again. (*Zzzz*)
Vote, vote, vote!!! Now!!!
Posted by
9:16 PM
Has Lindsay Gone Back To Her Old Ways?!
It has been reported that Lindsay dabbled with some Grey Goose this past weekend with The Hills 'star' Brody Jenner! Her friends and rep deny it, but people who were around said they definetly noticed she was a bit "tipsy"!! When photogs tried taking pictures of her and Brody she went crazy because she didn't want to be seen with him!
Posted by
8:53 PM
Labels: brody jenner, lindsay lohan
ME -- the expert on ______!!! The Final 3 Announced!!!
Thank God "Lost" missed the Top 3 by ONE VOTE!
Thank you to that one person that kept it out -- and shame on all you that wanted me to suffer!!! Tsk. Tsk.
So here's the final 3. I'm happy with all of them. I will become THE expert on one of these shows and recap every episode right here.
SURVIVOR (top vote-getter last round)
TOP CHEF CHICAGO (sleeper pick -- I'm really surprised)
Now GO HERE to my radio webpage and vote for your favorite out of the three.
I'm having you vote there because it has better polling tools. (Vote as many times as you want!)
I'll become the expert on whichever show you pick. Vote, vote, vote!! I'll announce the winner on Monday -- and start studying to become the best expert I can immediately after!
Posted by
8:07 PM
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
TomKat in trouble -- Katie storms out!!!
According to Woman's Day Magazine, Katie Holmes stormed out of a crisis meeting with husband Tom Cruise because she is (finally) fed up with all the career-damaging publicity that has come out with those Tom Cruise Scientology videos that were all over the internet a couple weeks ago.
She's also upset about "Mad Money" - the bomb of a movie that was just in theaters for 12 minutes which Tom reportedly "made her do." Now she's ice cold as an actress.
So Katie ran. And hopefully she'll keep on running. To anywhere but Tom's home planet of Zsazsagabore. But she better watch out. I'm sure Tom'll have the spaceships out looking for her. Hmmm... that could be a movie. And I'm sure it would gross more than "Mad Money."
Posted by
11:20 PM
Labels: divorce, Katie Holmes, Tom Cruise
A new shot of Madonna's weird legs!
Here's Madonna going into the gym yesterday.
Um. Maybe they have some kind of strange gym apparatus that can help tone up those weird-ass legs.
Like an ironing board or something.
Posted by
8:50 PM
Labels: madonna
Hulk Hogan is the new Ryan Seacrest
Watch the video below to find out why.
Damn -- I bet Ryan wishes we all forgot about that flop!!! Actually I wasn't even aware it ever existed in the first place.
Maybe Hulk Hogan will be the next host of American Idol!
I guess it's true when they say life starts at 60! (At least I think I heard an old person say that once.)
Posted by
8:40 PM
Labels: american gladiators, American Idol, hulk hogan, ryan seacrest
Matthew McConaughey Smells Like Poo Poo
Ladies, you love his bod. But thank God pictures are visual-medium only.
Check out this quote from Matthew McConaughey about Kate Hudson (his co-star in the new movie "Fool's Gold"):
“She always brings a salt rock, which is some natural deodorant, and says, ‘Would you please put this on?’ I just never wore it. No cologne, no deodorant…I take a few (showers) a day.”
He stinks and he takes a few showers a day?!? I guess someone has a few extra sweat glands! Ew!
Posted by
8:15 PM
Labels: kate hudson, matthew mcconaughey
Another Miley Cyrus post???
US Weekly is reporting that Miley Cyrus is officially now Miley Cyrus.
Prior to now her real name wasn't Miley or Hannah... it was "Destiny Hope."
She changed it to Miley because since she was just a Y cromosome she's been nicknamed and referred to as "smiley." So she just decided to drop the S for her legal name.
Hmmm... maybe I'll legally change my name to "Ickhead" since it's what I'm called most, minus a letter.
Anyway is Miley Ray better than Destiny Hope???
I say yes. Unless she plans on working at shady strip joints when she gets older. [And by looking at the pics a few posts down -- it's definitey a possibilty. Kidding!!! (?)]
Posted by
7:35 PM
Labels: miley cyrus
Artists You Should Know About #1: Matt Costa
Posted by
1:59 AM
Labels: new music
Monday, January 28, 2008
Tom Brady's dad comments on Tom's baby born out of wedlock
This is a video of Tom Brady's dad (Tom Brady Senior).
He's being taped talking at a catholic church in Sudbury, MA.
He talks about his reaction to Tom's baby being born out of wedlock with Bridget Moynahan.
Also about Tom's early football career in high school an college.
That's the best I'm gonna do with pre-Super Bowl hooplah for you!!!
Posted by
7:42 PM
Labels: tom brady
Sunday, January 27, 2008
New Kids On the Block are coming back!!!
Forget the Spice Girls!
The reunion that reaaaalllllyyy matters has just been announced.
New Kids On the Block - like a really bad steak - are coming back!!!
People Magazine made the official announcement.
Eighteen years later, they’re still “Hangin’ Tough.” The oldest “Kid,” Jonathan Knight, now a real estate developer, will turn 40 later this year. Since the band’s demise, former members Donnie Wahlberg, 38, and Joey McIntyre, 35, have seen acting success, while Danny Wood, 38, has worked as a music producer and Knight’s brother, Jordan, 37, has continued to record.
A 40-year-old real estate developer???
That'll made the ladies scream.
But if you doubt the awesomeness that was New Kids On the Block, check this video for the greatest... song... ever:
(Now if only Fine Young Cannibals would reunite!)
And I poop you not when I tell you that that was my ringback tone for a handful of months!
And if New Kids can make a comeback, here's hoping that this awesome 80's toy with the coolest jingle ever can come back too. My first friend:
Posted by
12:19 PM
Labels: awesome things, new kids on the block
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Me -- The expert on ________!!! UPDATE!!!
Alright. There were a TON of votes for what show I should make my new life passion and become the expert on. Thank you for not letting me fall directly on my face! People voted at the blog. People voted when they called me. Friends voted. And here's my next step. I will announce the final 6 shows. I will also give you an explanation as to why I would or would not like to become an expert on the show. Then you vote again from the final 6 and I'll square it down to 3 and put it up for a vote on my radio webpage (since it has better polling tools).
Unfortunately I've gotten rid of "Gossip Girl" (which was in second place) because there's only 1 (or none) episodes left. I tried to put shows in there that were coming back soon or at least had a bunch of new episodes left. I also ditched any shows that don't really have a running plot (Spongebob, Hannah Montana, etc.). So here's the final 6:
LOST -- I hope to high heavens that you don't pick this show. I haven't watched one episode ever and would be sooooo "lost" (cheesy!). But if you pick it, I'll try. This is the top vote getter so far. Ugh.
ONE TREE HILL -- I used to love this show. I have a huuuuuge crush on Sophia Bush. I think the show got stale and dumb so I stopped watching it, but I hear it's refreshed now that they took a jump into the future. I'd like this.
GENERAL HOSPITAL -- Woo hoo! 5 hours of crap acting a week!
Then I added these 3 because they're new shows that look interesting and we could get to know them from scratch together:
SURVIVOR -- New season. I haven't watched it for a while but this is favorite survivors from past shows versus biggest fans of the show. Could be OK.
LIPSTICK JUNGLE -- Starts February 7th on NBC. Looks pretty buzzy. Check out the show before judging:
THE BABY BORROWERS -- Starts Feb 18th on NBC. It's about teen couples competing to see who'll be better parents and strains that come with it. Here's the website for it:
(also I'll throw in TOP CHEF CHICAGO just for fun on Bravo. I love Top Chef. And the new season starts soon.)
So there they are. The final 7. Which one do you pick???
In addition to whichever show gets picked, I've decided I'll also become the expert on "Big Brother 9" - just because that show is my addiction!
Posted by
2:53 PM
Miley Cyrus (Naughtier) Myspace Pics
More leaking Miley Cyrus Myspace pics!
According to Jonas-Brothers-obsessed (and overall-cool-girl) Mariah, these pics were meant for Nick Jonas to try to make him give in to temptation and have sex with Miley. Of coarse Miley is all over the place saying "abstinence is best."
Some say these pics are real. Some say they're fakes. I say they're a little too close to child porn for me.
Anyway -- Miley has always been a hot button subject at this site... so have at it! Let the debate begin -- real or fake??? And is this round of pics a big deal, or is it just no big thing?
My opinion? I think she looks a bit more like a ho-bag than the last set of tame "leaked photos," but still not that crazy. Should've made sure they were kept private... but that's pretty much impossible for stars nowadays. I think they're real. And I hope she doesn't kick it up another notch for the next set of photos or I'll have to rinse my eyes out with battery acid.
Now you.
Posted by
2:04 PM
Labels: jonas brothers, miley cyrus, nick jonas
Friday, January 25, 2008
Tara Reid is starting to look crusty.
Isn't Tara Reid starting to look like that 45 year old bar fly who's always at your favorite dive???
You know the one. She's 45 but looks 65. She smells like an ash tray in Venice and has the laugh to match. She likes to call you 'hun' and 'sweety.' She still thinks she has a shot with the 25 year-old male crowd. She's drunk and wants to play Keno. She likes to tell stories about people you don't know... loudly.
You know who I'm talking about.
That'll be Tara in 5 years.
(click the pic for a better view and for full effect)
Posted by
10:53 AM
Labels: tara reid
Jennifer Love Hewitt looks _____________.
You fill in the blank so I don't have to.
Jennifer Love Hewitt looks ______________.
Feel free to be creative - or don't.
Posted by
10:50 AM
Labels: jennifer love hewitt
Angelina Jolie is pregnant!!!
Christina, Nicole, Jamie Lynn, Nicole Kidman, Jessica Alba, a ton more I'm forgetting and some I don't care about, and now: Angelina Jolie is "with child."
And it's twins!
Plans to adopt Bulgaria, Sudan, Uruguay, Iceland, and Tasmania are temporarily on hold.
And to celebrate -- for the ladies -- I decided to go with some new pictures of Brad Pitt in jeans. Go denim!
But can he look hot in sweat pants? That's the real question.
Posted by
10:07 AM
Labels: angelina jolie, brad pitt, celebrity babies, preggers
Celebrity Dirt -- Britney and Amy and Jessica, Oh My!!!
Posted by
7:57 AM
Labels: amy winehouse, britney spears, celebrity dirt, jessica simpson, kristy lee cook, sex tapes, tony romo
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Alicia Keys has second lowest #1 of all time!
This week Alicia Keys has the #1 album in the country.
Soundscan is the company that has been measuring album sales and determining the chart since 1991. This week soundscan said Keys' As I Am sold 60,519 copies - enough to make her #1, but also a low enough amount to make her the second lowest-selling #1 album in the history of Soundscan charting.
This definitely prooves that CD sales are waaaaaay down and dropping like a lead brick made of iron.
Questions then:
Do you still buy CDs, or mostly digital downloads?
Do you still listen to the radio? (Be honest... I can take it.)
By the way - in case you're keeping track - the lowest selling #1 album of all time was The Dreamgirls Soundtrack.
Posted by
7:49 PM
Labels: alicia keys
This Season's American Idol Favorite In Sex Tape Scandal
She sold a horse to be able to afford getting to auditions in Philadelphia.
Well selling horses is not the only thing Kristy Lee Cook has been doing to make a little extra cash.
How about some "erotic webcam work?" Check.
Nude photo work? Check.
Sex tape? Check.
I think soon they'll rename the show "American Idol presented by the pornographic association of America."
Oh well. There goes my prediction of Kristy winning. From the next American Idol... to the next centerfold for Hustler.
Posted by
7:02 PM
Labels: American Idol, kristy lee cook, sex tapes
"Cloverfield" is making people puke
Last weekend's #1 movie at the box office was Cloverfield about a group of twenty-somethings taping themselves on camera as a huge monster wrecks the city.
It set a weekend record for MLK weekend, making around $46 million.
BUT -- due to the spastic camera work (which is supposed to be from an amateur using a handheld home camera), audiences have been vomming like a seagull that just swallowed a cigarette.
From one movie-goer:
"I'm really nauseous right now -- just hold on for a second," she said, before walking down the hall and retching into a trash can.
"I wish I could get my money back."
I think this movie looks pretty badass. Anybody see it? Anybody feel ill?
And if you were wondering what the mysterious monster looks like -- I saw a sketch of it -- and that mention of a sperm whale yesterday??? I think I said it because the monster was top of mind. If you're interested in spoiling the monster let me know and I'll post a link.
Posted by
5:15 PM
Labels: movies
Non-Celebrity... But Awesome #2
Here's the smallest dog in the world.
Guinness (not the beer) has acknowledged "Brandy" as the smallest... dog... ever.
She's all of 2 pounds and 6 inches long and probably makes poop the size of jimmies.
Her lungs are so small she can't even bark. Awwww...
Her eating that bone there, is the equivalent of you eating a library. So start sharpening your teeth.
Posted by
2:43 AM
Lil' Wayne Busted.... Again!
Here's the mug shot.
Lil' Wayne was arrested on Tuesday night for "possession of dangerous drugs, possession of narcotics and possession of drug paraphernalia."
And might I add 'possession of some tattoos that scare me so badly that I pee'd my pants a little.'
Gross? Yes. True? You'll never know.
The DEA was called in for the bust so it's kind of a big deal. No word on jail time or any of that, but as soon as there is I'll have it.
Posted by
1:42 AM
Labels: arrests, drugs, Lil' Wayne
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Rihanna has huuuuuuuuuge _____!!!!
Rihanna has huuuuuuuuuge bangs!!!
(get your mind out of the sewer.)
Here she is leaving Barney's in NYC last night.
Rihanna always looks pretty, but I hope she's not driving anywhere near me with those long-ass bangs.
And yes I just used the word "pretty." Suck it.
Posted by
8:04 PM
Labels: rihanna
Who's Legs Are These???
This star is known for always staying with the times by changing her looks. Definitely a fan of plastic surgery... but... obviously not on her legs.
Who's Legs Are These???
Winner gets a large scoop of awesome.
Oh boy. "Jacksonismean" is gonna be pissed. Winner of the scoop of awesome, "Louisebotting945!" The legs are those of MADONNA! Ew.
Posted by
7:20 PM
Jamie Lynn Spears Is Giving Her Baby TO MOM?!?!?
Oh crap.
Since she's 16, it's understandable that Jamie Lynn would be pretty overwhelmed trying to raise a kid. So she's decided that when the baby is born, she'll give it up.... to her crazy, wack-ass mom Lynn.
That's like giving up your pet squid to a sperm whale to watch for you. That sperm whale will eat your squid!!! Aren't you aware of the diet habits of sperm whales???
Not that I'm saying that Lynn Spears will eat the baby. But maybe.
Posted by
7:05 PM
Labels: celebrity babies, jamie lynn spears, preggers
5 Dirty Little Secrets of Radio
THIS ARTICLE is super funny -- and some of it is true.
Being a radio guy I had to post it.
The guy that wrote it is basically like that masked magician who did those specials ruining all the magicians 'tricks.'
I don't agree that all of these 5 secrets are true... but at least a couple of them are.
(and yes radio-info readers, I got this from you. I don't post, but it's my favorite poo-fling to read every morning. Non-radio-geeks, please disregard the previous statement as it made no sense to you.)
Posted by
5:48 PM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Tom Brady's Busted Foot (pic)
This picture doesn't make us New England folk feel very comfortable heading into Commercial Fest 2008.
Tom Brady wearing a silly little air cast on his right foot.
So what's the deal???
Will Brady miss the Superbowl???
Will I be forced to drink extra beers due to nervous energy???
Why don't supermarkets stock enough "hot" salsa even though there's always plenty of "mild" and "medium???"
1) No Tom will not miss the Superbowl. Because he is part man and part God. Tom Brady said the following regarding the injury:
“There are always kind of bumps and bruises. I’ll be ready for the Super Bowl. I’m not missing this one. I’d have to be on a stretcher to miss this one. There will just be some treatment this week and like I said, games like this you get a little nicked up but it’s nothing serious.”
2) I will not drink extra beers due to nervous energy. I will drink extra beers due to blacking out.
3) Because most gringos can't handle the fire like me.
Posted by
8:02 PM
Labels: tom brady
Actor Heath Ledger found dead
Heath Ledger was found dead in his New York City apartment earlier today.
The 28-year-old actor starred in such films as Brokeback Mountain, Lords of Dogtown, The Patriot, and will play the Joker in the new Batman movie The Dark Knight due out later this year (now in post-production).
Little is known about his death, but early reports suggest it may have been from a drug overdose. Also it's being reported that one of the Olsen twins may have been at his apartment.
He was found by the housekeeper and a masseuse unconscious in the apartment.
The apartment was not Ledger's but is owned by Mary Kate Olsen.
The New York Post is reporting there were pills found nearby and may be drug related.
The housekeeper went to let Ledger know the masseuse had arrived and that's when they both found him unconscious.
NEW UPDATE - 7:30pm:
The apartment was NOT Mary Kate Olsen's - according to the NY Times (and Olsen's publicist).
It either looks like a drug overdose or suicide.
Posted by
4:52 PM
Labels: heath ledger
Tuesday Morning Guilty Pleasures
Now, I'm not a fan of most of the popular music that dotted the landscape of 2007, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. That being said, here's an amazing mashup audio/video, of the top 25 songs of the year, by the greatest mashup artist of the century, DJ Earworm. Check it out!
Submitted, January 22, 2008 by kAEdo-k. Britney-story free since October 2006!
Posted by
10:23 AM
Monday, January 21, 2008
Dirty Links!!!
Britney finally showed a brain cell working correctly --- SHE SHOWED UP FOR A DEPOSITION! Hooray!!!
Guess which Hollywood star has so much Botox in her face that she looks like the Joker from Batman. Now click this headline and find out if you're right. If you are, eat a cookie as a reward.
Remember Aubrey O'Day from Danity Kane (and Making the Band)? Check out her latest photo spread!!! Spiiiiiiicccyyyy (but safe for work)!
Who is the most glamourous "regular girl" as deamed so by Allure Magazine?
WWE wrestling stars aren't allowed to wear spray tan anymore. But they are still allowed to stuff their tights with socks.
Posted by
11:19 PM
Hilary Duff's new perfume print ad
It's called "Wrapped With Love."
Looks like a very pretty fragrance... if you're not allergic to bees.
That's what will drive sales! Show that when you wear the fragrance, big-ass mutated cartoon bees sting you in the back (like the one about to sting Hilary in the ad)!!!
But after being stung by the swarm of bees that are attracted to your perfume, at least you can be "wrapped with love..." by medical bandages. That's sweet.
(click the ad for a closer look)
Posted by
11:01 PM
Labels: hilary duff
Paparazzo Slimebag busted on camera trying to snap upskirt Jessica Alba pic
This is classless.
But maybe he just wanted the first shot of the baby.
(click the pic for a larger view)
Posted by
9:20 PM
Labels: jessica alba
Celebrity Buttcracks
News is a lil' slow today, so feast your eyes on some celebrity butt.
Just click HERE to view the gallery.
Mmmm... butts...
Posted by
8:49 PM
Eminem gained weight
So maybe you've heard it already. In case you haven't, here's a little recap:
Eminem has gained a good deal of weight since we last saw him.
He says he's been eating like poo for awhile and got off his workout regimen -- and because of this he's in hiding until he can shed the pounds.
He has a new album coming out pretty soon, so he better get going!
Slim Fast has reportedly offered Slim Shady a deal to be their spokesperson and they'd help him burn the fat. Word is, he'd rather marry and divorce Kim 100 times over.
Now you're up to date. What hasn't been seen until now is a picture of the new larger-model Eminem. Enjoy. Looks like a squirrel getting ready for winter. (And I'll leave out the obvious M&M punchlines that could have predictably followed.)
Posted by
7:37 PM
Labels: eminem
Saturday, January 19, 2008
ME -- The expert on ________!!!
OK. I've decided to become THE #1 expert on some TV show. I don't know which one. And that's why I write this. I think it would be fun/funny to get your opinion first. Which show (perhaps post-writer's-strike) should I become an expert on??? I'll become THE expert on whatever show you pick!
This means as badly as I might hate (or as much as I may love) the show you pick, I will set my DVR to record every episode. I will watch every episode, take notes, and type up a weekly (or perhaps daily -- "Peoples Court?") review of each episode. I will research any gossip surrounding said show and bring it to you in each report. I will fully engulf myself into this mission.
So no matter how retarded or serious your pick is... I'll become THE expert on the show that wins.
I'll take the top 3 picks and put them to a vote at my radio webpage for the final decision. If there's a big tie (one suggestion each or something), I'll pick three shows for the final vote.
I will pick the final 3 on Thursday January 31st and end voting on the final three on Thursday February 7th.
I will reveal which show I will become THE expert on on Friday February 8th. I will try to use any connections I can to interview stars, annoy the stars, crash on the stars floors (in a very creepy way), and more.
So leave your suggestion... and PLEASE get your friends/enemies/family/strangers to come here and vote.
I reeeeaaalllly don't want voting for shows to fall on it's face. So even if you don't really care, please vote!!!
It's like a reality show on the internet or something. Except it's real.
I pledge 100% loyalty to any show you choose.
Posted by
1:37 AM
Labels: celebrity dirt
Friday, January 18, 2008
Johnny Depp wants to play Michael Jackson
Johnny Depp revealed that he would like to play Michael Jackson in a movie about the king (if he still is a man - who knows) of pop's life.
'I have heard that I based Willy Wonka on Michael Jackson before, but no, that was not my plan, I wish I had thought of that though,'
'But there is still time to play him. He might get up to old tricks again and maybe there will be a TV movie about him.'
Depp says he has studied Michael's mannerisms and is ready to go if a script surfaces.
I think I can see a small resemblance. All Johnny has to do is take a staple gun to his nose.
Posted by
3:30 PM
Labels: johnny depp, michael jackson
Kirstie Alley's chin looks like a kangaroo pouch!
Thanks to my friend MK over at Popbytes, here's the cover of the new National Enquirer.
Yeah yeah... Dr. Phil and Oprah... but look at the upper right pic!
Sweet heavens above -- first Nicole and Christina, then rumors that Fergie is pregnant, and now Kirstie Alley's chin is pregnant!!!
I'm sure her face will be a good mom.
(click the pic for a better view)
Jenny Craig just rolled over in her slightly-larger-than-normal grave.
Posted by
2:26 PM
Labels: kirstie alley
Here's what Britney was wearing last night!
It gets worse and worse.
Here's what Britney had on while out and about last night.
And the latest stuff on Brit:
1) She seemingly has multiple personality disorder - for real. Britney has been speaking with an English accent at times lately. That's one of her personalities. She was "English Britney" when she missed the final court date to not lose the kids. The next day (when she wasn't "British Britney" anymore) she recalled nothing. Reportedly she has other seperate personalities too like the diva, sad girl, and more.
2) The AP told US Weekly that they already have Britney's obituary written in case something happens to her since she's so high risk right now.
So sad. But at least with all those personalities Britney will never get lonely. OK. Now I'm going to go sit in the corner as punishment for kicking her while she's down.
Posted by
10:21 AM
Labels: britney spears
Blake Fielder-Civil wants to divorce Amy Winehouse!!!
Just a week or two after we hear that (crackhead) Amy Winehouse and her junky boyfriend (blowhead) Blake Fielder-Civil wanted to renew their vows in jail after being married for less than a year, rumors arise that (crankface) Blake wants to divorce (needlehead) Amy.
Big surprise.
I wonder why:
But it's not that.
Amy's been spending a lot of time with supercool DJ Mark Ronson and her ex-beau Tyler James. Is she hooking up? Who knows! She probably doesn't even know. But fellow mess-up Blake thinks there is... and he's been murmuring "divorce" so it's critical.
I think if either of them ever sobered up for a half-hour, they'd forget they were even married. Or that they have the teeth of a mentally challenged horse:
(Man that picture will never get old to me.)
UPDATE: No divorcing going on here yet!!! In England you can't get a divorce until you've been married a year, and they haven't. But, obviously in England it's perfectly legal to get married while you're so high you can actually hear your brain cells popping.
Posted by
1:57 AM
Labels: amy winehouse, divorce
007 gets all the hot chicks!!!
There's almost a legend of lifelong hotness surrounding the "Bond Girls."
James Bond is supposedly sexy, smart, and a woman killer.
Unfortunately his love of straight-up dry martinis must be giving him serious booze-goggles.
Not to be a judgemental assface but here's Pierce Brosnan's wife in a bikini:
Thank Gog he can waste a lot of time around the house playing with gadgets.
Posted by
1:46 AM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Celebrity Dirt -- Forget Britney! Here's Blink!!!
Posted by
4:18 PM
Labels: amy winehouse, britney spears, celebrity babies, celebrity dirt, fergie, heidi montag, josh duhamel, preggers, the hills
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Dirty Links!!!
John Mayer defends Jessica Simpson from her new man's home state!
Sarah Michelle Gellar's hair is hotter than you (sorry)!
Kevin Federline to tell all!!!
Hollywood blacklists Dr. Phil.
Jessica Alba's bump is groooowing!
Mick Foley retiring at the end of '08?
Posted by
4:42 PM
Labels: britney spears, jessica alba, jessica simpson, john mayer, kevin federline, sarah michelle gellar
The Early Favorite to Win American Idol This Season Is...
Kristy Lee Cook.
And unfortunately Princess Leah, the Star Wars geek, has no chance (but I still love her and her fake buns):
Posted by
2:59 PM
Labels: American Idol