Thursday, June 25, 2009

More Jon and Kate Gosselin rumors

Since officially announcing their divorce on Monday night's episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8, there's been more rumors circling about the soon-to-be-ex-couple that have been flying around, so let's tackle 'em one at at time.

1) It's possible that we'll be seeing Deanna Hummel appear on Jon and Kate Plus 8 when the show resumes in August. The rumors say that because she's Jon's new girlfriend and part of his life, she'll be filmed. But just keep in mind that it's never been confirmed that Jon and Deanna are dating, so take it for what it's worth.

2) For some reason, people are saying that Jon and Kate have actually been separated for two years now, but that's totally untrue. Apparently the rumor got started because of the way their divorce papers were filed.

3) After the divorce papers were filed, Kate put Jon on blast, saying that "Over the course of this weekend, Jon's activities have left me no choice but to file legal procedures in order to protect myself and our children." Jon immediately replied with "I am deeply saddened that we are divorcing, and also hurt by the statement Kate made last night about the divorce. I have always done everything I can to protect our family."

Yeah, as far as that last one goes -- that's EXACTLY why I'm on Team Jon. Kate is a mega attention whore that refused to end the show and LOVES the fact that she's in the limelight -- yet she's sayings he's trying to protect her children? Bitch, if you were really trying to protect them, the show would be over. Because Jon was obviously over it after the 3rd or 4th season.


Amy Grindhouse said...

Hahaha, I so want him to bring his skank mistress onto the show and be eaten alive by his ex.

Jadd said...

I'd LOVE to see a cat fight. Although Kate's venus flytrap ass would totally own.