Monday, April 14, 2008

What do you think?

I've been having a heated debate with Amanda for the better part of the morning. I think Jessica got her lips down, Amanda doesn't and says it's just the way she smiles and positions her lips.

Even though it looks like she should be swimming in the sea with Nemo, I'll leave it to you guys.

Fake or real?


Miss Manda said...

hahaha i hate you! i'm telling you. they looked like that when she was 14. i've seen pictures. she did it once, restylane, and hated it and now they look how they always did! she just has big teeth!

Miss Manda said...

its also done not down.. how do u get ur lips down??

p.s. merri caught that hahah

louisebotting945 said...

they are real, what kind of dumb ass gets there lips done?
anyways i think they are real

Miss Manda said...

hahaha yeah if you're gonna get something done, make it something good! ;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kat said, It's her face expressions and the camera shots , real lips! but do I see a bun in the oven ? a baby bump too like her sister ? how about a double wedding ? huh sisters ! good luck chow Kat !